3:39:98 WR | Spooky Games KoGaMa - imboxgame.com

3:39:98 WR | Spooky Games KoGaMa

Vegan D. Psiiclox
Views: 142
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Spooky Games
Speedrun from 10/23/2022 03:23:23. I found the shortcuts myself.

– First of all: I didn’t make any mistakes in this run. To understand, you have to know how this map works:
– All levels are time based like all the minigame logic games. You need to time the map before you can start. You have to start the game, then wait between 5:27 and 5:30 minutes before pressing Play, otherwise you will never get a fast time.
– That means you only have 1 attempt every 6-9 minutes.
– The goal is to get through level 1 as fast as you can so that you can get through the open door in level 2. Since you have waited at least 5:27 minutes before starting, the door closes exactly when you have crossed it, so you shouldn’t make any mistakes in level 1. If you make mistakes in level 1, you lose time and can’t pass level 2 before the door will close. Mistakes in level 1 = restart the game. Time pressure. Once I tried waiting 5:30 minutes before pressing Play, and it was too late. The door at level 2 closed in front of me 1 second too early. But you CAN start 5:30 minutes before pressing Play, if you can pass level 1 a bit faster than me.
– The rest of the map is more relaxed and you are allowed to make mistakes, because you have to wait for the stairs to appear in level 5, so I slowed down level 4 to avoid dying because you stumble a lot and I didn’t want a death in the video. Level 4 always uses pattern 1 after the waiting time of 5:27 minutes.
– I think 3:36 or 3:37 could be the perfect possible time if done properly, but sub 3:40 is a very strong time though.

Level 4 Patterns
. . 1 . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . .3 . . . . . . 4
33321 . .33233 . . 12112 . . 13233
34222 . .43243 . . 23421 . . 33242
33545 . .12443 . . 15131 . . 11214

My times
1. 3:39:98
2. 3:57:58
3. 4:17:58
4. 5:38:13
5. 13:28:63
6. 13:35:04
7. 41:18:56