CollectionService usage and how to use systems together | Roblox Studio -

CollectionService usage and how to use systems together | Roblox Studio

Roblox Studio in a Minute
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In this video I showed how you can use CollectionService with systems you have like the sliding doors I showed. CollectionService is a core service for most of the mainstream frameworks which are being used in professional Roblox game development.

Topics in this video:

00:00 Explanation of why you need CollectionService
00:40 Converting the old script to a CollectionService script
01:04 Some CollectionService functions and events
01:23 Two methods of tagging objects
02:18 Demonstrating single script object management
02:43 Other CollectionService methods

Helpful resources:
+ CollectionService class:

Official Roblox Developer Forum (one of the best places to get help from other developers):

Roblox Documents Hub (find all information about Roblox API here):

Roblox Talent Hub (find co-workers or your next job/commission on Roblox here):